Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Is your Mort Safe?

I learned recently that bars, stones and fences were installed on top of and around ancient grave-sites in order to protect deceased loved ones from grave robbers. These were called MORTSAFES!

A Google image search for mortsafe yields astounding results!

I'd LOVE to make one of these!
Here's the iron bar variety

How about an iron coffin!?

And here's a full-blown cage!

Many, many more pics and Halloween decorating ideas here! ( http://tinyurl.com/97l2oph )


Candace Jedrowicz said...

Ooh! I did not know that! How very cool

Dr. Theda said...

The Metal "vault" into which the casket is lowered is also a form of "Mort-Safe"... I shoul know for I am an "Accused" Body-Snatcher...